Fourteen Days of Valentines


Today at the Target dollar spot, I came across some adorable little mailboxes. They had characters for boys and girls, so I decided to let the kiddos choose their favorite one. Then, as we were strolling down the Valentine aisle, I decided to start a mini Valentine reward program with them.

Since my children aren’t in school this year, we have no reason to make valentines, but I love šŸ˜ Valentine’s Day! And I love the candy, cakes, cute ways to tell the people we love how much they mean to us! And I love a good bribe to help the kiddos work on their behavior.

So I decided to make a deal with the kids that each day they had “good” days from February 1st – 14th, they would get a small Valentine treat in their new boxes. I told them it could be anything from a snack, to candy, to stickers… I already found cute ideas on Pinterest to make snacks with fun Valentine notes. I can also grab a few more items from the dollar spot and maybe even add some sort of gift card for our favorite froyo place. Anything that will get those glorious little smiles on their face each time they see the flag up on their mailbox (which I of course explained means there is a treat waiting for them.)

**Cheap Non-Candy Ideas for Treats:

-Bubbles (Note: “You BLOW Me Away, Valentine!”)

-Glow Sticks (Note: “You Make My Heart Glow!”

-Silly Straws (Note: “Sip Sip Hooray, It’s Valentine’s Day!)

-Hot Wheel Racecar (Note: “You Make My Heart Race!”)

-Toothbrush (Note: I Can’t SMILE Without You!)

-Silly Socks (Note: You Knock My SOCKS Off, Valentine!)

We also decided to decorate the mailboxes and we are going to make stands for them out of Dollar Store candle sticks. So it also gives us a fun art project.

I’m sure I’m not the first person to do something like this, but I thought I’d share the idea with other parents out there. šŸ˜ If you have any fun Valentine’s Day traditions or projects, please share!

Thanks for reading!




It’s Been A Bit Too Long!


I feel like I haven’t been up-to-date with my blog lately… For the last few months! Sorry about that!
New year, new goals, new resolutions… Mine will be to do at least two blog posts per month! I miss doing them!
So rather than make excuses, I’ll be completely honest and just say that I have been very overwhelmed with what life has thrown at me this year… It’s been a whirlwind and I’ve felt a little lost in the mix. Recently though, I feel like I’m coming back around, and that I’m back in my “conquering-life-mode”, and so I thought I’d take the time to offer some advice, let you know that you’re doing a great job, and wish you and yours a happy, healthy 2015!

For starters, we had a great holiday season… The hubs was he for a solid month, which was amazing, but also brought new challenges. It’s interesting how you get in a “do-it-yourself” mindset when you have a traveling husband. I have really made my own routine through all of his work trips, and last minute trips, and working from home, and the dynamic of our house totally changes when we are both present full-time! So the kids were a tad confused, and uncertain who the boss was… Which caused the hubs and I to have to take a minute to re-evaluate how to work together as a team again. Marriage is always a learning process, but it always came much easier than this transition for us.
We survived. And that’s a wonderful thing — to face a challenge and conquer it TOGETHER!

My advice for everyone is to remember to be kind to one another, and maybe not judge a book by it’s cover… We are all facing some challenge in life, and so there is just no time for that!

As many of you know, we recently experienced our first family trip to Disneyland. It was complete with a party of 11, including five children under the age of four! And six adults. It was a wonderful experience, and I’m ready to again.
I will definitely be blogging about the details in the next week or so! I hope I can help other families plan their trips… I’m still new at it, but I can’t wait to become a Disney regular! šŸ™‚

Thanks for reading! šŸ™‚
Please share any NY Resolutions, questions, or topics you’d like to read about!

Karessa {A.K.A. The Queen of the Trupe)






Four Years Downā€¦ Forever To Go!


Our Anniversary is August 14, 2010

In the fall I always go on a binge cleaning and purging spree. There is something about the month of August, the new school year, and our wedding anniversary that kick me into overdrive. It’s like a new beginningā€¦ a fresh start! Ā (For most normal people this happens at the New Year I think!)Ā 

While going through some of the stuff in our closet/storage/office (yes, we have outgrown our home and all of those things are crammed into one!) I noticed our wedding time capsule. I feel fortunate that our Pastor made it for us. It’s a simple black box, about the size of a shoebox, and it has our names and our wedding date on it. Inside holds mementos from that crazy day four years ago. Some of the mementos include our unity candle, our program, and two letters signed and sealed that we had to write to each other and take to our last day of pre-marital counseling with our pastor. These letters are for us to open and read on our 25th wedding anniversaryā€¦ OR if we ever have the feeling that things might fall apart or if we are ever on the verge of divorceā€¦ It’s a way to remember why we fell in love in the first place. The entire idea of the time capsule is just wonderful. I’m so glad he made it for us…

Except, on the day of our final marital counseling, I was super stressed and in a hurry to write this love letterā€¦ and it may not have said all of the things I felt, because at that point, I was overwhelmed and couldn’t make those feelings become words. I have always felt that if Tanner ever felt that urge to open my letter, he would be left disappointed! Luckily, we have both discussed that we would both like to re-do our letters. So on this anniversary I’m going to do just that. It won’t be the original letter, but I can tell you that today, four years later, I actually love him more than I did back then. And for good reason, we have both evolved, matured, and most importantly, we have been blessed enough to do it TOGETHER!Ā 

I won’t be sharing my letter in this blog, because it’s actually about something more that I observed in the past week of thinking about US and OUR lives togetherā€¦ I realized that through every up and down, through every smile and tear, we have NEVER (“knock on wood”, “never say never”) once actually had the urge to open that box. And furthermore, when we are around each other, there are still butterflies flying, a sparkā€¦now more a flame glowing, and I feel, more than ever before, passionately, madly IN LOVE with my husband! And it’s something that I may take for granted, because I don’t think there are a whole lot of people that feel the way we do. We are lucky in loveā€¦ and totally blessed! It’s a magnificent feeling to feel like I’ve actually met my soul mate, and that when we think of the past; it’s obvious that every arrow pointed us in the direction to finally find each other. Yeah, yeah, it’s cheesy, but more importantly true to my feelings!

So, Tanner, if you’re reading this, I want you to know that I vow right now to stop taking that for granted! Thank you for loving me, despite my flaws. Thank you for allowing me to not feel alone, even when you are across the country. Thank you for always staying strong, and for making me laugh when I need it (and when I don’t.) šŸ™‚ I seriously don’t know what I would do without you. I may be crying right nowā€¦ Which is totally normal. Thank you for continuing to become a better man. And thank you for growing older with me. Thank you for being you. You’re such an awesome husband, a wonderful daddy, and your heart of gold inspires me. I. Love. You. With My Whole Heart, For My Whole Life.

Our married years so far have gone something like this:

Year 1: Raising our first babe while expecting a second babe… interviewing all over the country for Tanner’s after-college-careerā€¦ finishing my first year of nursing schoolā€¦ the birth of our second childā€¦ two weeks later, moving halfway across the country to San Diegoā€¦ barely surviving in our teeny tiny apartmentā€¦ living on sometimes $50 a week and a Little Caesarā€™s Pizza…

Year 2: Buying our first home in Temecula, CAā€¦ Again, living on a prayer and a Little Caesarā€™s Pizzaā€¦ attempting to raise two babes (that might as well have been twins) alone without knowing anyoneā€¦ taking on, and committing to being a stay-at-home-momā€¦ a change of job for Tannerā€¦ Meeting a whole new world of friends, that we now consider framily…

Year 3: Another change of job, only this one required/requires daddy/hubby to be away from home often, and sometimes for long periods of timeā€¦ all with a lot of raging hormones because SURPRISE: expecting and delivering our third, and beautiful babeā€¦ Traveling with hubby for work, which can get exhausting, but is funā€¦ Deciding to do preschool at home with now three childrenā€¦ Finally feeling like our family is completeā€¦ Ready to work on new dreams and goals…

ā€¦I can’t wait to see what year 4 has in store for our Trupe and us. I can only imagine that will be equally as stressful/wonderful. And I can only hope to become an even better wife/best friend.Ā 

Happy 1,460 Days of Marriage!Ā 
















Trust in the Timing of Your Life


I’m sure I’m not the only mother who sometimes worries too much… Actually I know I’m not alone, because I know my MIL is just as bad as I am! Sometimes as a woman I find myself worrying about every little move my family and I make… As if it’s going to make a difference. I know deep down in my heart that I just need to have more faith, and trust in God’s timing for my life. And I need to remind myself to always keep peddling in the right direction.

On that note, I wanted to fill you in on my inner battle with preschool. So here’s what finally lead is to a decision…

Sometimes I just pray for signs, or I just ask for a push in the right direction when I’m at a crossroads, or when I need to make an important decision. You do what you need to, but praying helps me to feel at ease… Almost like a weight lifts off my shoulders.

So, with the preschool issue I prayed. And I feel that a few different events happened that helped me believe I made the correct decision…

First off, we were expecting a bonus from my husband’s job on August 1st, and that was going to allow us to have a few months of preschool all taken care of… So we planned on paying the beginning dues, and saving the rest. Guess what, it didn’t come. There was an error in the processing, and so we didn’t get the check on the day we were to pay for preschool, and ended up getting it four days late. To me, this was a sign from the universe…

Next, I received a call from our doctor’s office stating that Kinley and Kruz were missing some immunization records… Kinley had them all for school last year, so I was a little confused, but I told the nurse who called that I’d look into it and get right back to her. After some research, it turned out that Kinley’s was on file, but Kruz’s was MIA… So I had to dig a little deeper, and still, it’s like this record just vanished… I’m still waiting for phone calls, and the papers were due about a week ago… Another sign, in my opinion.

The next event was a tip from a mother I met while sitting in the waiting room for Taisley’s 6 month check-up. When discussing preschool, she told me she enrolled her kids in classes through the community center a few days a week with kids their age… So I looked into it, and found a three year class for Kruz and a four year old class for Kinley… All at a fraction of the cost of the original preschool we were enrolled in, and with flexibility if we wanted to take any trips.

Finally, and this one makes me a super-proud-mama-bear, Kinley was hand-chosen (with four other little girls) to be the apart of the first young (4 year olds) performing dance group at her dance studio! And after trying out today, we found out that she made it onto the team, and it requires her to be at dance during the times that the preschool was originally set for… So we couldn’t have done both. We are so proud of her because she loves dance, and is getting better everyday! It just makes my heart happy to watch her! Yay Kinley! You rock, girl!

So with all of that being said, our decision was to hold off on preschool this year, focus on interaction with kids our age, enjoy Kinley’s dance, and introduce Kruz to some sports, and other activities to find where his interests lie so that he can excel just like his big sis!

It feels good to have made a decision, and feel so confident that we are right where we need to be. šŸ™‚ I get another year with all of my babes right by my side, and although it isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, and I know that days may be tough, I wouldn’t want to be (or have them be) anywhere else!

It’s so important to remember to trust where you are in every point of your life. It’s where you’re meant to be. If you know you want to be somewhere else, keep on keepin’ on! But know that where you are now is leading you in the right direction. And if you need a reminder, call me! Because I know that I need reminders all the time!






Preschool or Glorified Daycare?


This might be the most personal post I have written to date. I’m writing, not to get everyone’s opinions (although I know they’re coming), but more to just vent and try to figure out a solution to my most current life-dilemma.

First off, I love everything about education. I loved school growing up, and I can already tell at least one of my children does too. It makes me happy to see that my kids can’t wait to begin school! I only pray that they will forever be as into it as they are right now in their teeny-tiny bodies.

Secondly, I absolutely adore being home with my children! I literally felt a little sick everytime I had to drop Kinley off at preschool last year. I don’t know if this is something that fades, but I don’t think for me it will – with any of my babes! Maybe this isn’t normal, maybe I am crazyā€¦ (Maybe we all already knew that? ;))

Finally, before I begin my actual post, I just want to say that I have truly been trying to wrap my head around what to do for monthsā€¦ it’s just now finally down to the wire, and I need to make a decision. So these are my current thoughts. Judge me if you must.

We have enrolled Kinley and Kruz in a preschool that has wonderful reviews, is actually the most affordable in the area, and that was highly recommended by friends that we totally trust! It’s Christian-based, which makes me so happy. The administrators, teachers, and fellow parents were all so kind when we visitedā€¦ and it feels like a great fit. The kids would attend two days a week, three hours each day, and it would be an easy pick-up and drop-off because it’s all at the same place!

I realize that them getting out and socializing with children their own age is the entire point of preschool. I also realize that having a teeny-tiny break, with time to allow me to get to know Taisley a little better on a one-on-one basis would be extremely nice.

Above is “Option A”

-We feel comfortable there.
-We have great reviews from trusting friends.
-We have the same views as the school itself.
-The kids get to socialize with children their own age.
-Both kids that beg to go to school.

-Do new three year olds need to go to preschool?
-Does a pre-K student who did an entire year of preschool need to go a second year?
-Cost (Let’s be honest, we live on one incomeā€¦ and I stay home for a reason. Does it make sense to spend a substantial amount of money each month on 24 hours of preschool?)
-Not allowing them to go may take something away from them? (I don’t even know whatā€¦ I’m trying to decide if this school is necessary for two years, or if it’s just become a new norm for some reasonā€¦ mayeb because many households have two parents that work, and they need a place for their children to go for a while?)
-Would be paying for preschool even if missed to travel with Daddy.

So now we have “Option B”

Keep both children home, and teach Pre-K curriculum myself two days a week. I feel that the resources are endless thanks to Pinterest, ABC Mouse, friends, Barnes & Noble, the Dollar Store, iPads and apps, etc. etc. Then, during the other days of the week, enroll the kids in classes that allow them to explore fun activities. Activities such as dance, karate, soccer, art, etc. These programs are offered in our city, and for a fraction of the cost. They are all categorized by age, so they would still get that interaction. And on top of that, we can take advantage of free or cheap events around the area. The library does story time once a week, and there are museums and free field trips that I can arrange so that my kids can get to learn while exploring and going on different adventures. I should also throw in that we have the Zoo in San Diego, the Safari Park in Escondido, THE OCEAN nearby, aquariums-galore, wine country, parks, and fabulous weather.

-We get to make our own schedule, which allows us to travel with daddy as wanted.
-Cost is significantly decreased, which allows for saving or paying of any debts.
-I get one more year with my babies!
-I get to help mold my children into the little beings they will become.
-They would get to experience more outdoor, or hands-on activities.
-They get to explore what they want to learn.
-Take advantage of what this city has to offer.

-No break or one-on-one with Taisley until Tanner is home.
-Kids may be disappointed to not go to school.
-Kids may learn better from an instructor, rather than mom.
-Kids need to know it’s okay to be away from home and make friends and be in different social-settings.

Honestly, after visiting the South and the Midwest, and learning that many cities there offer free preschool, or at least a lot more affordable preschool made me feel like I was getting robbed. I think a lot more emotion stemmed when I felt like I was being cheated just because we live in California. And so I researched and have listened to many other parent’s opinions, and I just can’t make one myself.

I feel like Kruz could benefit from being in a school setting socially, but I am alsso not sure he’s ready. I was told by Kinley’s teacher that she was very bored at preschoolā€¦ so why do it again. We read frequently, practice letter and word recognition, cook together, explore at parks, beaches, the library, different cities (when traveling with T)ā€¦ and I just feel like keeping them home is keeping their innocence a little longer! I swear Kinley became even more sassy after she began school.

I’m not saying I want to homeschoolā€¦ I just don’t know if preschool is super-necessary right now. I think maybe one year is sufficient. On one hand, I think it’s smart to have your children in a school setting before Kindergarten, because they’ll know what school is about, in that same breath though, why can’t they just learn that at Kindergarten?

So there you have itā€¦ my thought-process and my craziness when it comes to being a mother. Remember, this is just my own situation. I realize each family is unique and has their own thoughts on the above scenarios. What works for you may not work for me.
I’m just trying to organize my thoughts. These children are my life, and I just want to make the best decision for them and their future.

My deadline is Friday. I’ll keep you all posted! šŸ™‚

preschool4 preschool2 preschool DSC_2371

Mommy Blogging on a Plane


Nashville Recap Ya’ll!

Balance in life is just so important. When I was a first-time mama, I didn’t always put my marriage first, because I was always tired, trying to finish school, and because I felt that the baby was more important. That’s the wrong way of thinking. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut in your marriage sometimes. That’s why it’s so so important to remember to cherish your marriage, and really guard it and protect it.

My husband (T) and I are beyond blessed to have a family that helps us out with keeping our babes from time-to-time so we can reconnect. It’s just awesome.

On this particular trip, I was a little nervous because I had to fly from Iowa to Nashville alone, which required driving to the airport at 3:00am and leaving my babes away from our home. My stress level is always particularly high on a day I travel alone. It’s weird, but I’m actually better at navigating my way through the airport or a new city with my Trupe in tow. I focus better in the middle of my own chaos!

My anxiety halted though, the minute I got outside of the airport and saw my hubs leaning on the back of his rental car waiting for me. After he greeted me with a kiss, loaded my bag, and opened my car door for me, it was impossible not to just smile my cares away, and be happy in the ambiance of Nashville with my guy!

After breakfast, I was able to visit where he stayed and trained for his job for several weeks last year. I also got to meet some of his co-workers. It’s always nice to put a name to a face. I like seeing T in his work element . There’s something so sexy about his passion for what he does. When his nerdy side comes out, it’s my fav!

I got a little alone time while he finished some work, so I decided to go boot shopping. I’m not a cowgirl, but I wanted cowgirl boots! I like theming (as everyone knows) and boots were on my Nashville theme list! I had a hay day trying on a bazillion pairs… But I couldn’t get myself to fork over the $200 plus on a pair that I might wear 10 times. I mean my running shoes didn’t even cost that much, and they serve a fabulous purpose. I am thinking I will start a boot fund though, because I definitely want a pair for our next trip to Nashville! If you’d like to donate, let me know! šŸ˜‰

We went to dinner on a dock with an old friend, his gorgeous girlfriend, and Bear, their adorable son! We got to feed ducks, catfish, and eat delicious food! It was peaceful and enjoyable.

We figured we’d take it easy the first night… But yeah right. When the kiddies are away… The mama and daddy will play! So we did Nashville right by heading to Broadway! We made tons of new friends, sang, and danced the night away! It was totally fab!

The next morning came slightly too fast… And with a pounding headache! Luckily, we were able to sleep in and relax all day! I tried my first ever Wich Wich… And it was amazeballs! I had the “Thank You Turkey” hotwich. It’s basically thanksgiving dinner on a toasted sub complete with cranberries and it cured my hangover in no time!

After a little sunbathing and a shopping trip, we topped our day off with a trip to Jack’s!… It’s just the best bbq you’ll ever eat! So if you go, it’s touristy… But worth the wait!

On night two in Nashville we headed out to see our old friend Cory Farley play at a local bar on Broadway. It was just a blast! Some of he people we met the night before joined us, and that made it even better! If you ever get a chance to see this band perform, go for it! You won’t be disappointed!

I’m thankful that my hubby and I are outgoing folks who can easily make new friends. On our 6am flight home, we met a man named Jimmy, and he totally cured my hangover. I’m forever grateful for his southern hospitality, sharing skills, and his great company. I wish there were more Jimmy’s in this world!

As I’m sitting here, I’m currently missing my babes like crazy! It’s amazing what a little break can accomplish… A taste of freedom makes me realize just how blessed I am to have my #PartyOfFive!

Thanks for reading ya’ll! šŸ™‚











The Truth About Supermom


Iā€™m No Supermom

If you know me, or have ever encountered me ever, you probably know that I am a happy, ā€œbubblyā€ (sometimes confused with ditzy), outgoing, positive personā€¦ Itā€™s just who I am. I prefer to look at the glass half fullā€¦

I will begin by saying that this morning I felt it necessary to talk to a friend and spill my guts. I simply started by saying, ā€œIā€™m no super mom.ā€ Yes, people call me this; among other things Iā€™m sureā€¦ Itā€™s flattering that people think that I actually hold this mom/wife thing together 100% of the timeā€¦ but the truth is, Iā€™m not perfect… and I donā€™t want to be. The other truth is that itā€™s not because I feel like Iā€™m trying to hide anything, itā€™s just that in this negative, crazy world, I think people could use more happiness, encouragement, and fun stuff rather than listening to little old me complain about how rough it can be to be a mother. I like a little sugar-coating.

The fact is that I cheat at bedtimes, baths, meals, etc. sometimesā€¦ My house gets messy, really really messyā€¦ some days I never put a bra onā€¦ sometimes I cryā€¦ sometimes I just want a break so desperately, I donā€™t even know how Iā€™ll survive another minute! But rather than post these times on Facebook or my blog, I prefer to talk to, or vent to my husband, my sister, my dad, my mother-in-law, or a close friend! Someone who passes no judgment, can offer some advice, encouragement, or a laugh, and thenā€¦ I simply let it go.

This is how I look at it: Each day is a new day. If you have toddlersā€¦ perhaps after naptime itā€™s a new dayā€¦ (Sometimes our mornings go south quickly if the kids woke too early or went to bed too late, but after a little nap, itā€™s like a brand new, happy, rested little munchkin woke up.) So you had a bad dayā€¦ come to terms with it, and move on. It happens to the best of us!

So for some reason, I decided to throw myself under the bus, and share some of the reasons that prove: Iā€™m no supermom! I hope you enjoy realizing that Iā€™m just like youā€¦ but Iā€™m just slightly more on the ā€œbubblyā€ and positive. šŸ™‚


1. Right now, my kids are downstairs watching Disney Jr. while making a ā€œpillow-poolā€ so that I can write this blog. {Quick note: Taisley is not making a pillow-poolā€¦ she is right next to me.}

They love doing this. A pillow-pool is when your kids take every pillow in your entire house, throw it in a heaping pile, and then jump in it. It usually drives me insane, because everything just looks immediately trashed! So, when they ask, I usually say noā€¦ but today, since I felt the urge to blogā€¦ I said yes!

2. I have items (pictures, shelves, etc.) all around my house that I need to hang upā€¦ and I have lived in my house for 3 years or so!

3. I am horrible about shipping out anything. I literally have gifts to send to peopleā€¦ but I hate going to the post office, so they sit here until I travel to see whomever they belong to.

4. Kruz wears a size 5 Up&Up diaper to bed because I think that Pull-Ups are too expensive. He wakes up dry most daysā€¦ but Iā€™m too exhausted to risk it (by ā€œitā€ I mean doing all the urine-soaked laundry at 3 am!)

5. I give my kids the yogurt with M&Mā€™s for breakfast sometimes. It doesnā€™t really seem that healthy, but they like it, they will eat it, and they wonā€™t argue.

6. Sometimes, if I want to get my kids to try something new or eat something that is healthyā€¦ I just put a sticker of their favorite character on the box or packaging. For some unknown reason, this makes them want to eat it.

7. Last night, my kids and I all slept in my bed. I have no shame. I actually sleep better when they are right next to me. No, Taisley didnā€™t suffocate, and the other kids sleep in their own beds just fine on nights that we have them sleep in them.

8. We donā€™t wash our hair every night during bath time.

9. I prop the bottle with Taisley on occasion, although she is holding it herself now.

10. I put off my yard work until I literally get a letter from our homeownerā€™s association. Supposedly they are ā€œcourtesy lettersā€ so I havenā€™t been fined yet!

11. I only vacuum every other weekā€¦

12. I donā€™t mind if my children choose their own clothes, and look ridiculous. I think itā€™s expressing their style.

13. During summer, I donā€™t keep a routine with naptimes and bedtimes. Itā€™s summerā€¦ and it belongs to the kids. Itā€™s okay to get off routine, and itā€™s kind of liberating.

14. My husband and I donā€™t sleep in the same bed every night. Sometimes we fall asleep in our childrenā€™s bedsā€¦ but let me assure you, it isnā€™t an issue.

15. Being a mom of one, two, or three is incredibly difficultā€¦ especially while my husband is away. And it seems that the meltdowns (mine or one or all children’s) occur at the worst possible timesā€¦ or right when my husband is so close to home and I can see the lightā€¦ but then by the time he arrives, I’m so exhausted, all I want to do is sleep! It’s been a learning process having him travel. And I still don’t know how we do it.

16. When my husband is away, we rarely eat full-on mealsā€¦ it’s more like full-on snacking and breakfast foods!

17. I may be on Facebook too much. But it’s a quick little escape to the outside world.

18. I no longer Keep Up with the Kardashiansā€¦ instead I watch Disney movies over and over!

19. My kids have major meltdowns. At times, Kruz just screams. I know, I knowā€¦ can you believe it!? I swore when I became a mother that my kids would NEVER do thisā€¦ but they do. They also freak out whenever I talk on the phone!!

20. I love all-things mom stereotype:

*Yoga pants



*Snacks, wipes, scissors, band-aids, lip-gloss, a Coors Light in my bag at all timesā€¦ What do you need?! šŸ˜‰

*Taking too many pictures of my gorgeous babes

*Adding too many layers to my kidā€™s outfit on a cool day

*Knowing where any and everything is located in my house

*Obsession with Target

*Being rightā€¦ Always!


Funny little mommy e-card.



Meā€¦ right now, hair and teeth unbrushed, just trying to finish hot coffee while it’s actually hot!





A large ruler and book shelves that need to be hung! Oh and thw writing on the wall is just an annual tradition of marking the babe’s heightsā€¦ We plan to start doing it on the over-sized ruler! šŸ™‚




I haven’t done thisā€¦ but it sounds like something I would doā€¦ The kids may be getting a slushy machine for Christmas! šŸ˜‰



My bed this morningā€¦ As you can see, I slept sideways!




Cowabunga, Dude


Kruz Lee Rupe – June 13, 2011

Interview Date – June 13, 2014

Age? “Free” (Three)

Favorite Color? “Green”

What makes you happy? “Playing with my chainsaw toy.”

Favorite food? “Cheese balls”

Favorite activity? “Playing with my tools.”

Favorite show? “Jake and The Pirates”

Favorite movie? “Lego Movie”

What are you really good at? “My scooter.”

Favorite song? “My song” (AKA Cruise by Florida Georgia Line)

Best Friend? “Sterling”

What do you and your mommy do together? “Um, go to the pool.”

What do you and your daddy do together? “Fix stuff in the garage.”

Favorite place to go? “The city and the hotel.”

Favorite book? “Pete The Cat and his buttons.”

What do you want to be when you grow up? “A racecar driver, like Lightning McQueen.”


Kruz’s “Ninja-Turtle-Third-Birthday was a success!! We had a wonderful day celebrating with all of our friends at a nearby splash pad. It was a gorgeous day, the kids had fun, and we ended it by making a pitstop at a local winery where Tanner and I got to celebrate being parents of Kruz (for three whole years!) with friends. It was the best day. Words can’t express how grateful we are to have all of you, who helped, and who came, and who sent birthday wishes to Kruz, in our lives!! THANK YOU!









Celebrating Kruz Lee Rupe!!


This morning, Kruz awoke with high hopes that TODAY was his birthday and his party!! I didn’t want to let him down, because he was just thrilled, so I told him, “Kruzy, today (Thursday, June 12th) we are celebrating the last day of YOU being TWO!” And he was so happy that he even agreed to let me take some pictures of him (which is rare without a fight!) šŸ™‚

So I let him choose whatever outfit he wanted, because he is almost three after allā€¦ not to mention he chooses his clothes regardless! šŸ˜‰ He chose a really cool Mickey Mouse outfit that, “my Nanny brought to me!” He got dressed all by himself and proceeded proudly downstairs to eat breakfast, practice the Pledge of Allegiance, and go on about his last day of being just a two-year-old.

ā€¦When did this happen? When did my sweet, chubby baby boy turn into a slender, opinionated, handsome little man?! It seems that overnight he just grew and grew up!

I’m fortunate to have this tiny little man to love! He definitely knows how to boil my blood, but melts my heart all at the same time! He certainly reminds me of another fellow I live with. šŸ˜‰

Kruz is just so smart, and so definitive, and so literal. I am forever grateful that he is my son. He has brought a light into my life that I never knew existed! He’s a loyal little guy. He is the greatest brother around. He’s a superhero, a pirate, a hairdresser, and a puppy all in the same day. His imagination is vivid, and it makes me wish I could peak into his little brain! He is a thinker, but not a performer. He is a total man’s man, yet a sweetheart all at the same time… and all at the age of almost-three!

He has many emotions, and we see them all on the daily. He is fierce, passionate, happy, and sensative. He is perfect.

Tomorrow, on Friday the 13th, we will be celebrating his birthday with friends! His party is on his actual birthday, which I love! It’s a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle partyā€¦ and he has been stoked for weeks! We can’t wait to have a fabulous, fun-filled day! {I will post party pictures on here tomorrow!}

Below I added some pictures of my favorite almost-three-year-old! I also added one of our favorite books to read at night. If you don’t have this book already, go buy it! It’s fabulous and the pictures are incredible! Enjoy!

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I’d Know You Anywhere, MY LOVE

By Nancy Tillman

There are things about you quite unlike any otherā€¦ things always known by your father or mother. So if you decide to be different one day, no worriesā€¦ I’d know you anyway.

If one day we’re walking and talking, just us, when you’re abracadabra a rhinocerosā€¦ I might be surprised, but just for a whileā€¦ I’d know it was you by your magical smile.

If early one morning, you put on your socks and declare, “For today, I’m a little red fox!” I’d say, “My, my that is quite a disguise!” But I’d know it was Ā you by the gleam in your eyes.

If you were a camel, I’d know by your grin.

Little pink pig? Your chinny chin chin…

White snowy owl? Among other things, I’d know by the flap of your snowy owl wings. Would you mind flapping them? Can you say, “Whooo?” Yes, without question, I’d know it was you.

My eyes and my ears and my arms always knowā€¦ from the top of your head to your tiniest toe.

Wild spotted pony? Easy my sweet, I’d know it was you by the sound of your feet.

If you were a bear cubā€¦ I’d know by your nose.

Ringtail raccoon? Your clever tiptoes.

Blue-footed booby? I’d know at first glance, by your wonderful, one-of-a-kind happy dance.

And if one fine day you got bored and you said, “Today I’m not me, I’m a lion instead” even if I’d never heard it before, I’d know it was you by the sound of your roar.Ā Would you mind roaring a second or two? See, without question, I’d know it was you.

I know you by heart, so my heart never misses. I’d even know you by Ā your whiskery kisses.

Fox or koala, giraffe or raccoonā€¦ anything, anywhere under the moon. Whatever it is you imagine to be, I’ll just be so proud you belong to me.

I’ll kiss every whisker and smooth every hairā€¦ Because, child of mine, I’d know you anywhere.

You are loved.






Seek Out Life’s Simple Pleasures


Great memories were made over this Memorial weekend – 2014

Big THANKS to the Sand’ssss!! šŸ™‚

Over Memorial weekend, our family (the Trupe) wasĀ fortunate enough to get to go up to Big Bear Mountain and celebrate our freedom with some great friends. I feel like we did the best job of seeking out life’s simple pleasures while we were thereā€¦ and we felt really free!

***Before I finish theĀ rest of this post, I just want to THANK all who are serving, or who have served to allow us to keep our freedom here in ‘Merica!***

If you are in California, and haven’t been up to visit Big Bearā€¦ you need to put it on your list of places to go! It’s a quaint little place nestled in the San Bernardino National Forest.Ā Ā From Temecula, the drive was simple and quick. I think it took us two and half hours, but it was gorgeous going up the mountain for at least an hour of it, so it seemed to fly right by! (If it were snowy or icy, it may have been more stressful! LOL)Ā 

Not only is the scenery gorgeous, but the activities are simple, yet perfect, the people are all so friendly, and it’s just a great retreat. To just unplug and relax is exactly what we wantedā€¦ and exactly what we got!

The kids were so content and happy just swinging on a rope in the middle of the forest, or hunting for bear tracks (which I’m pretty sure we actually found!) They were also lucky enough to be able to enjoy a little kayaking and fishing (minus the fish-catching) on Big Bear Lake. To top it off, the weather was simply perfect.Ā 

The mamas got to go garage-sale-ing, and score some killer deals on fun necessities! Of course we also enjoyed great wine, good company,Ā and great conversation! The dad’s did their thing with grilling, fishing, and planning new home projects. Overall, it was just the best weekend we have had in quite some time. The only thing that could have topped it off, was if we actually got to see a bearā€¦ from a distance! I know we are already looking forward to our next trip up there!Ā 

There was a neat little area called “The Village” where there were fun shops and good food. It was the place to be for the social butterflies.Ā 

I finished the weekend by running a tough Memorial 5K up the mountainā€¦ and it felt like quite an accomplishment!Ā 

There was definitely a little something for everyone up there! šŸ™‚

I hope that you all got to enjoy your weekend as well!Ā 

Below are a few pictures that I captured while we were there. My camera didn’t capture the actual beauty that surrounded us, but there were still a few fun shots!!Ā 








